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    Country, City: Iran, Chabahar
    Year: 2023
    Type: Micro Tunneling
    Client: Delta
    Progress: In Progress
    Name: ASM 2200
    Type: MTBM
    Manufacturer: Tunnel Saz Machine (TSM)
    Year of Construction: 2023
    Other Technical Specifications: Download Catalogue
    TunnelSazMachine Company Activities

    • Supplying the Device
    • Complete Construction and Maintenance of the Device
    • Performing Excavating Operation Using the Device

    Project Description

    Chabahar Outfall Tunnel project includes the implementation of 2080-meter long pipe-laying operations with the microtunneling method and using the technology of micro TBM machines, that has been designed and built by Tunel Saz Mashin Company

    The prepared device has a drilling diameter of 2500 mm and is a slurry type (Slurry TBM) and equipped with an Air Lock system while providing the ability to perform hyperbaric operations under the seabed. For more information about this device, you can refer to the related information page of ASM 2000 machine.