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    Country, city : Iran, Kermanshah
    Year of construction : 2013
    Stock : Transferring Water
    Geology :
    Mechanical data : Tunnel length: 26 km
    Client : Ab-Niro
    Description :
    Device size : Diameter of the device: 6.125 meters
    device type : Hard Rock Double Shield
    Manufacturer : Selli
    Year of construction :
    Other technical specifications :
    TunnelSazMachine Company Activities

    • Dismantling, overhauling and rebuilding the machine for drilling in ambient conditions. Exposure to water and gas
    • Assembly and installation of the device
    • 4.5 km long excavation with negative slope in environmental and water conditions
    • Supply, installation of a tunnel conveyor system
    • TBM overhaul at 2.700 meters due to water influx
    • Overhaul of the TBM machine at an area of 3,900 due to the influx of water and Project