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    13 September, 2021 / 0 Comments Annacis Water Supply Tunnel in Canada

    In order to provide the growing demand for drinking water in the region, the Annacis Water Supply Tunnel beneath the Fraser River, between the City of New Westminster and the City of Surrey, is projecting to be constructed by Metro Vancouver.

    The tunnel is going to be one of five new water supply tunnel crossings in the area constructed to sustain a main earthquake. Following completion of this tunnel, it will also enhance the capacity of the available system to meet the long‑term needs of the growing population.

    Construction process of this project

    A TBM, which is going to be started up from a vertical entry shaft on the Surrey side and then drive to the north below the Fraser River to the vertical exit shaft on the New Westminster side, will be used to dig this new water supply tunnel.

    As soon as the tunnel is excavated, a steel water main will be installed inside the new tunnel and linked to underground valve chambers at each shaft site, connecting it to the region’s drinking water system.

    Construction procurement

    The determined location for work sites for crews is the Brow of the Hill neighborhood in New Westminster and Bridgeview neighborhood in north Surrey. While the site preparation will include site clearing and grading, the major construction will consist of site fencing, building entry and exit shafts for the tunnel excavation, and creating interim surface work areas to assist tunnel boring machine maintenance on both sides of the project.

    For further information, please click here.

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