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    24 January, 2021 / 0 Comments The Eighth Meeting Of The Resistance Economy Headquarters In Qazvin Province Was Held At The Tunnel Saz Machine Company

    The 8th meeting of the Resistance Economy Headquarters of Qazvin province on Monday, January 7th, 2019 with the participation of Governor Abdolmohammad Zahedi, Dr. Abolfazl Yari, Head of the Planning and Budget Organization, Dr. Yusuf Gorji Mahlabani, head of the Qazvin Science and Technology Park, and a group of executives of the operating machinery was held at the The Tunnel Saz Machine Company ( At Technology unit based in Qazvin Science and Technology Park) and the Haft Almas Industries, with the support of domestic products and consumption of Iranian goods. Mr. Saheb, managing director of the Tunnel Saz Machine, during the 8th meeting of the Resistance Economy Headquarters, said: "With the recruitment of native forces specializing in the management and maintenance of large drilling machines, we have been able to demonstrate the capabilities of the youth of the country well and to use this capability to develop the country. He said: the advantages of manufacturing and assembling the TBM machine in the country can be a significant reduction in the cost of this product compared to similar examples of up to 50% of the price, facilitating the provision of support services and customization of the machine according to the type of projects. In the end, Mr. Saheb, declared, "We expect administrators of the provincial executive agencies, especially industry, water, electricity and road managers, to believe in us and to be sure that we are capable of operating large amounts of work and making significant savings in construction costs and help the province's development in the direction of a Resistance economy.

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